ColorSchemer is a color management software.
It can help you store and manage the color for your project.
It can be converted to code for development use.
. Manage color style groups.
. Support system palette to create color / color picking.
. Support color wheel (artistic/scientific) module.
. Support for Live color scheme module.
. Support for image palette module.
. Support for color mixer module.
. Support for color variations module.
. Support for copying source code for development use.
. Support color description report output.
. Support color invert brightness.
. Support Screen Color Picker Module.
CSS format Support:
. Support using CSS color string to create or set color.
. Support using CSS color keyword to create or set color.
. Support using CSS color strings to directly paste to create or set color.
. Support the setting of CSS upper and lower case string.
Magnifying glass:
. Support magnifier tooltip.
. Support magnifier grid line.
. Support magnifier size.
. Support adjusting magnifying glass magnification.
. Support clicking the table to copy color info.
. Support continuous color extraction. (+Command key)
Color Conversion Format:
. Support NSColor (ObjectC/Swift) format conversion.
. Support UIColor (ObjectC/Swift) format conversion.
. Support CGColor format conversion.
. Support Java format conversion.
. Support CSS/Web format conversion.
. Support RGB/CMYK/HSL/HSB format conversion.
Import / Export Format:
. Support Apple Color Picker Palettes (.clr) format import / export.
. Support ColorSchemer Palettes (.cspalette) format import / export.
. Support Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ase) format import / export.
. Support Adobe Color Swatch (.aco) format import / export.
. Support Sketch Palettes (.sketchpalette) format import / export.
Output Format:
. Support Text color scheme report file output.
. Support PDF color scheme report file output.
. Support CSS color scheme report file output.
. Support HTML color scheme report file output.